Spatial analysis of the morphological characteristics of the Wadi Al -Mahari basin in the provinces of Najaf and Diwaniyah


  • Rana Faeq Hassan Ali University of Baghdad - College of Arts - Department of Geography and Geographical Information Systems
  • Prof. Abdallah Sabbar Abood, (PHD) University of Baghdad - College of Arts - Department of Geography and Geographical Information Systems



Wadi Al-Mahari, morphometric characteristics, applied geomorphology, river geomorphology, seasonal valley


Morphometer analysis is an entry point for studying and understanding hydrological and geomorphological processes, as it provides an engineering description for water disposal ponds and networks on the basis of quantitatives through the application of mathematical equations or clues, in order to determine the shape of the river pelvis and its terrain and surveying characteristics, river drainage network and patterns, which reflect the effect of the natural factors of river ponds Like the ground structure, the nature of rocks, climatic characteristics, terrain, and natural plant density, as well as human factors, these factors have a significant effect in the activity of water erosion and aquatic sediment responsible for the characteristics and characteristics of the pelvis itself in terms of expanding the pelvis and increasing its area and determining its shape and the geomorphological phase that it reached and ground forms.

The morphometric characteristics of the drainage basins were extracted based on the digital elevation model (DEM) with an accuracy of (30) meters, and the (Arc Gis 10.8) program. After defining the basin and calculating its characteristics and the river network using mathematical equations and placing them in tables that must be analyzed to benefit from hydrology and geomorphology.


Author Biographies

  • Rana Faeq Hassan Ali, University of Baghdad - College of Arts - Department of Geography and Geographical Information Systems

    Graduate student

  • Prof. Abdallah Sabbar Abood, (PHD), University of Baghdad - College of Arts - Department of Geography and Geographical Information Systems

    Professor with a PhD in Geography,

    Research supervisor


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How to Cite

Faeq, R., & Sabbar , A. (2023). Spatial analysis of the morphological characteristics of the Wadi Al -Mahari basin in the provinces of Najaf and Diwaniyah. Al-Adab Journal, 145, 337-364.

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