The Scientific Journeys of Banu Tamim Al-Sakani in the Islamic East
The trip, Science, Scientists, TamimiAbstract
This research deals with the Arab tribe of Tamim, whose sons contributed to the development and prosperity of the scientific aspect in the regions of the Islamic East. Through research, we will learn about the creativity of Tamim scholars in various sciences. Tamim scholars showed their great contribution to intellectual life and presented a clear and clear picture that contributed to building the Arab-Islamic civilization. The scholars of Bani Tamim also sought to harness their scientific capabilities and knowledge capabilities to support the intellectual movement in the cities of the Islamic East regions in general, through a variety of methods, including the participation of scholars in public educational institutions, such as holding scientific councils in mosques, and giving lessons and lectures in schools, and providing Islamic libraries with the fruits of their scientific works. The knowledge exchange between the Arab countries and the regions of the Islamic East left great effects, the results of which were reflected in the prosperity of the Arab-Islamic civilization in general, and scientific trips were one of the methods of knowledge exchange. during their travels, and this is what we will study through research.
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