Fuerbach From the demolition of theology to the establishment of anthropological religion
Anthropology, Religion, Religious alienation, Theology, Contemplative philosophiesAbstract
In this research, we try to address the religious position from the point of view of this philosopher, indicating his position rejecting religion in general as well as contemplative philosophies, especially the philosophy of Hegel, considering that theology and contemplative philosophies all departed from man and adopted abstract ideas in their research. Feuerbach found that the real future of philosophy is the real reality in kind represented by man, and he also showed that man with his long history fell into alienation because of the illusion that there is a distinct and differentiated God. Man referred all his attributes to that God, and the truth is that God is man himself and we should not worship God apart from us, because all this is purely an illusion produced by man, and therefore man must regain his essence which he threw up and realize himself about its truth, because the secret of theology is anthropology.
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