Al-waqfi schools in Damascus and Aleppo and, its scientific impact through the book "Al –Daris in Tarekh Al –Madares. For Al –Nuaimi (927/1521)


  • Rashid Mohamed Sultan Masaeid Alketbi University of Sharjah- College of Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Nidal mohammed Alzboun University of Sharjah- College of Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences



The book” Al-Daris fi Tarekh al-Madrasas”, Endowment Schools (Alwaqf schools), Damascus, Aleppo, The Ayyubid Era, Alniaimi


This research aims to shed light on the Ayyubid endowment schools in Damascus and Aleppo and their scientific impact through the book Al-Daris fi Tarekh al-Madrasas by Al-Nuaimi, which is considered one of the first books that chronicle the schools of the Levant. The importance of this book lies in its documentation of scientific life and endowments allocated for spending on educational institutions. Despite the importance of this book, it did not receive sufficient attention from researchers. Therefore, this research came to address this research gap in this field.


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Author Biographies

  • Rashid Mohamed Sultan Masaeid Alketbi, University of Sharjah- College of Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences

    A master student at the University of Sharjah- College of Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences

    Specialization: History and Islamic Civilization

  • Nidal mohammed Alzboun, University of Sharjah- College of Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences

    Professor at the University of Sharjah- College of Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences

    Specialization: Tourist Guidance


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How to Cite

Alketbi, R., & Alzboun, N. (2023). Al-waqfi schools in Damascus and Aleppo and, its scientific impact through the book "Al –Daris in Tarekh Al –Madares. For Al –Nuaimi (927/1521). Al-Adab Journal, 1(147), 165-182.

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