Mirrors of heterosexual biography in the book of Taha Hussein (With Abo AlAlla’ in his prison)
Another reading
Al-Maari, Biography of Heterosexuality, Mirrors, Taha Hussein, prisonAbstract
Perhaps the relationship between Taha Hussein and Ma’ari arouse attention and paradox, that’s because this relationship between them came as a result of the hate from Taha Hussein to Al Ma’arii that turned after that to eternal love which made Taha Hussein produced books to fill full this love between them, where I read these books in the recent western criticism within the problematic carried by Al Ma’arri himself .so Taha Hussein’s writing
on Al Ma’arri modern literary criticism constituted a major axis in reading this poet, who was and still act as problematic in a stage of old Arabic literature so within this problem this research came up with the idea of reading the book named ‘’with Abo Al Alla’ in his prison ‘’
The critics read this book as a pure critical book without looking at the biography side in it, which makes nowadays students to present this side in the title ‘’ Mirrors of Autobiographies in the book’’ with Abo Al Alla’in his prison ‘’
These mirrors were: the mirror of Diqas, the mirror of self, mirror of Bashar bin Burd, Al Mutanabi mirror, the mirror of the exalted text, the mirror of Al Marri’s text and all of these mirrors formed the biography of Al Marrii as founded by Taha Hussein and lived with Al Maarii in his prison where he recorded his observations through these mirrors.
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