Spatial variation of livestock distribution in Musayyib district using (GIS) and (GPS)
Livestock, maps, GPSAbstract
After the development that occurred in the field of spatial technologies, including (GIS) and (GPS), it was necessary to employ these technologies to serve geographical research.
The research aims to highlight the spatial distribution of the size of livestock in the Musayyib district and the adequacy of the production of this wealth to meet the population’s needs for meat, milk, eggs, honey, and fish. By preparing maps using (GIS) and (GPS).
In the first section, cartographic representation methods were used in the program (Arc Gis 10.4) to show the extent of the discrepancy between the administrative units of the Musayyib District.
In the second section, global positioning techniques (GPS) were used via the Garmin Etrex 10 device, which has an error rate of (+ or -5 metres) to determine the locations of livestock breeding places, apiaries, and fish cages of both types. These locations were indicated by specifying geographical coordinates and tabulating them. Then project them onto the maps and extract them in the form shown in the section.
The researcher concluded this research with recommendations, including the continuous use and updating of livestock sites to know the extent of changes that occur from time to time.
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