Cultural references to the novel Winter 84
proper names as a model for Ismail Fasih
Cultural references, Proper name references, Translation, Winter novel 84Abstract
With the consensus of all translators and researchers, there are many difficulties facing the translator, foremost of which is the translation of cultural references, it is not enough for the translator to master the language of the source and the language of the target and to know the secrets of the two languages, but it must not stop at that, but it is important to know the culture of the two peoples (the culture of the source and the target) in order to obtain an acceptable translation. This study aims to explain the strategies used in transmitting proper names when translating. The novel Winter 84 by Ismail Faseeh, which was translated by the translator Muhammad Alaa Al-Din Mansour from Persian into Arabic, in which we noticed a lot of media name references that we extracted and highlighted and we relied on the strategies proposed by Ritva Leppihalm in translating proper name referrals, and the study showed that the strategies used in transferring the aforementioned references were to keep the name unchanged or delete the name and replace it with a known name in the target language culture or keep On the name with the mention of clarification and guidance for readers of the target language or changing some letters of the name to suit the culture of the target language
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