Sequence construction in Ali Al-Hadithi Novels
Structure, Event, Sequence, Ali Al-HadithiAbstract
This study dealt with the subject of the composition of the sequence in the narrations of (Ali Al-Hadithi) due to the richness of his narrations with this narrative structure. The narrator used this novelistic construction to present the events of some of his novels. He began by presenting the events from the beginning, which is the starting point of the event, then a knot, which is the development of the event, and then the end, which is the solution. The construction of the sequence is dominant over the narrations of (Ali al-Hadithi). This construction is also known as (traditional construction), or (linear construction) to link events. The aim of this study is to reveal the structure of the event sequentially, depending on the chronology of events and their development.
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