Decorative elements in the façades of heritage buildings in the Heart of Sharjah

an analytical and documentary study


  • Aisha Salim Aljaberi University of Sharjah / College of Engineering - Department of Architectural Engineering
  • Asem Mohamed Obeidat (Ph.D) University of Sharjah/ College of Fine Arts and Design
  • Abbas Elmualim (Ph.D) University of Sharjah / College of Engineering



traditional architecture, decorations, woodcarvings, the heritage of the Emirates, the heart of Sharjah


Tradition architecture is considered a place's cultural heritage, which reflects the place's spirit. The history of the site is measured by its buildings and architecture, which are constructed in the spirit of traditional architecture. As part of traditional architecture, many of their components and their importance differ from building to building depending on their location or the building as a whole.

The decorations are considered one of the main essential elements, which reflect the culture of any society. Moreover, they are crucial components of traditional architecture that cannot be separated from its significance.

The research will be conducted into the artistic and elastic aspects of traditional architecture in the United Arab Emirates and study the heritage fronts of old heritage properties in Sharjah. and analyze their decorative elements and words carved in them, which received little attention in the search for their origins, connotations, history, the artistic nature used in it, and what it made at that time.

For the purpose of this research, visitors will be taken to heritage buildings, as well as through books and written references: paper and digital, and then the Heart of Sharjah will be studied. It is our hope that this research will encourage researchers to look for more information related to the UAE's history, and not ignore any information, no matter how small. and aiming on the simplest details in the restored shapes and inscriptions because it means within it a lot of history, in addition to documenting and recording the decorations in the UAE.


Author Biographies

  • Aisha Salim Aljaberi, University of Sharjah / College of Engineering - Department of Architectural Engineering

    Master in Cultural Heritage Conservation Management

  • Asem Mohamed Obeidat (Ph.D), University of Sharjah/ College of Fine Arts and Design

    Professor at University of Sharjah - College of Fine Arts and Design- UAE

    and Yarmouk University- Jordan

  • Abbas Elmualim (Ph.D), University of Sharjah / College of Engineering

    Professor at University of Sharjah - College of Engineering-UAE

    and University of Reading – UK


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How to Cite

Aljaberi, A. S., Obeidat, A., & Elmualim, A. (2023). Decorative elements in the façades of heritage buildings in the Heart of Sharjah: an analytical and documentary study. Al-Adab Journal, 1(146), 339-358.

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