Population maps and modern methods used to represent them
Population maps, modern methodsAbstract
This study came in accordance with the specialization of maps to compete with population maps through population distribution and population growth, and to represent this distribution cartically and analyze it and seek to know the modern methods used in drawing, producing and producing population maps, Libraries and government departments.
The study confirmed the distribution of the population in Iraq and the variation of this distribution from one governorate to another, as the number of populations in Iraq for the year 2019 reached (33678,525) million people, these data were also mapped and analyzed.
The study found, through the maps of the population distribution in Iraq, a clear discrepancy between the administrative units by gender (males and females) and by environment (urban and rural), The population of Iraq, and the size of the urban population reached (22890581) million people, compared to the rural population, which amounted to (10787944) million of the total population of Iraq.
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