Religious Discourse of the Website in Iraqi Press
Analytical Study in the Website of Alsabah Journal an Example
Friday sermon, discourse, religious discourseAbstract
This research discusses the concept of religious discourse and its importance especially in holly Karbala Friday prayer.
The objective of this research is to indicate one of the contemporary means of call, that is Friday Prayer to be Adopted by the people in general either it 3as an authority or the public through the call for high principles in the reform and guidance in order to benefit the public interest. This research id divided into three chapters; each chapter includes two enquiries. The first chapter is the methodology frame of the research that includes the research problem, objective and importance, the methodology, instrument, terms and previous studies. The second chapter is the theoretical .First enquiry is the religious discourse .the second enquiry is the press website .The third enquiry is the Friday Prayer it importance and name .The third chapter is dedicated to the analytical study of the Friday Prayer that were published in Alsabah journal website that includes (6) main categories .In the first category comes human rights and fair justice in (13) in (23,44) rate subcategory ,the case of political reform in (11) subcategories in (21,18 ) which takes the second position .Then comes the social cases in (11) subcategories in (18,6) rate in third position .In fourth position comes the security cases (8) subcategories in (15,6) .In the fifth position come the tolerance and accept the other cases(7) subcategories in (10.77) . In the sixth position come the national compromise and peaceful coexistence (6) subcategories in (7.55). Then come the values (3) subcategories in (5%) in seventh position.
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