Cluster analysis of the spatial variance of Internet use in Iraq


  • Elaf Fadhil Asad Al-Daoudi University of Baghdad - College of Arts, Department of Geography and Geographical Information Systems
  • Ali Abdul Amir Sachett Al-Kaa’bi, PHD University of Baghdad - College of Arts, Department of Geography and Geographical Information Systems



cluster analysis, internet, spatial variance


This study came within the specialization of population geography to discuss the demographic behavior towards the use of the Internet in Iraq for the year 2019, and to analyze the geographical dimensions of  Internet users and their demographic characteristics represented by their gender, age and environmental composition, and to seek to formulate policies to modify the population behavior towards the negative use of the Internet, and to maximize its optimal use in Iraq within the areas to achieve the sustainable development goals, while reducing the digital, quality and environment gap.

  The study used the descriptive and analytical approach and the use of the quantitative method in the research, It also used many statistical methods, including the simple correlation coefficient (Pearson), as well as the use of the (Cluster Analysis) technique to show the spatial relationships of the indicators of Internet use using SPSS, and the results showed that the size of the qualitative gap in Iraq is distributed in varying distribution between one governorate and another, as Baghdad governorate recorded the highest percentages in usage among the governorates, while the lowest percentage was recorded in Anbar, and the percentages and numbers of the population between the sexes varied in the rates of use in favor of males, as well as the percentages and use of the Internet in terms of age structure, the study showed that the youth group (15-45 years old) is the most used group for the Internet.


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How to Cite

Al-Daoudi, E. F. A., & Al-Kaa’bi, A. A. A. S. (2022). Cluster analysis of the spatial variance of Internet use in Iraq. Al-Adab Journal, 2(141), 357-374.

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