The Arabic language and the identity crisis

A study on social networking sites and their impact on the Arabic language


  • Suhad Mazin Faeq, Phd. College of Arts / University of Baghdad



Arabic language, identity, social communication


This research monitors one of the serious social problems represented by the low level of the Arabic language on social networking sites, it aims to identify the problems faced by Arabic in this field and to diagnose the most important reasons that led to this decline, it prevented the proper spread of the Arabic language and the identification of its most important manifestations. And the ways that will contribute to solving it, or at least alleviating its impact.

          It cannot be overlooked that the Arabic language is in its worst condition today, we ask, what is the issue? Is it a civilized regression, and a loss of identity? or that Arabic is going through a state of extinction? Will it withstand in the face of this dangerous challenge? Questions that stakeholders need to take into account. 


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Linguistics and Arabic literature

How to Cite

The Arabic language and the identity crisis: A study on social networking sites and their impact on the Arabic language. (2022). Al-Adab Journal, 2(143), 65-82.

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