The role of the empowerment funds in UAE in supporting Emirati youth enterprises
A field study
small and micro enterprises., youth empowerment, supporting , UAEAbstract
The micro and small enterprises leave their marks on the economic scene due to their strategic importance in re-engineering the industrial, commercial and production sectors, achieving development and supporting the economy, as well as their role in empowering members of society, including the youth. Empowering youth and overcoming all obstacles to benefit from their energies and creativity represents a sustainable national vision for the United Arab Emirates. Leaders have always emphasized that young people are the guarantors of the future and providing them with support and care is a necessity for sustainable development. This study aimed to identify the role of these enterprises in empowering youth in United Arab Emirates by exploring the perspectives of young owners of small and micro enterprises, in addition to the institutions supporting youth empowerment programs in the country. Accordingly, eight research questions were formulated to answer them. The study used the qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with (28) institutions supporting youth empowerment programs. The study showed a positive impression about the role of these enterprises in empowering young entrepreneurs. The study also revealed a number of challenges and problems facing young entrepreneurs and institutions. Finally, the study recommended a number of points that can contribute to raising the level of youth empowerment in UAE, including revising the current policies and establishing a comprehensive system for youth empowerment in which all parties in society participate.
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