Semantic and stylistic characteristics of the category of the species in modern Russian


  • Siran Mohammed Said University of Baghdad, College of Languages, Department of Russian Language
  • yaseen Hamza Abbas, PHD University of Baghdad, College of Languages, Department of Russian Language



category, type, verb, semantic and stylistic, meaning


This study is devoted to the complex functional and semantic characteristics of the verbal categories of tense and type in the Russian language. In this study, semantic and stylistic features of the difference between perfect and imperfect verbs will be revealed.

The differences may be related to the peculiarities of the lexical meanings of words, as well as the meanings of word-forming affixes (prefixes and suffixes). the use of this grammatical category in various styles clearly reflects the specifics of each of them, since the degree of concreteness of speech or its abstract-generalized nature naturally manifest themselves in the predominance of verbs of one kind or another.



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Foreign linguistics and literature

How to Cite

Said, S. M., & Abbas, yaseen H. (2022). Semantic and stylistic characteristics of the category of the species in modern Russian. Al-Adab Journal, 2(141), 113-120.

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