The poetic image and polyphony In the very short story (Dana) collection, by the Saudi writer Hassan Ali Al-Batran model
Very short story, Image, Polyphony, The anecdotal collectionAbstract
Literature was and remained contains all the literary aspects that represented the language of human emotion, for that the poetic and prose literary genres emerged to us. From these genres the very short story which is carried within its content the ideas, traditions and customs inherited by generations, which format on the accommodated the modern age. The structure of it did not differ from the novel's structure, rather, it is characterized by what serves the shortness of its phrases and its condensation, the advantage of paradox, which gave it a great interpretation dimension. The production of the Saudi storyteller, Hassan Ali Al-Batran, was distinguished by his specialization in writing this literary genre, the very short story. He has published variety and multiple of the anecdotal collections. The methods he used in presenting his collections varied, depending on the threshold of titles and the language of condensation, irony, and brevity. The very short story dealt with many issues using several methods, including the use of poetic image, especially graphic, including simile, metaphor, and metonymy, not to mention the different ways of presenting the image. There are various methods mentioned by the research. He used the Polyphony technology of in presenting the characters, as he has made the characters of the very short story with an independent entity, presenting their ideas, expressing their opinion, and expressing themselves. The narrator was multiple, there is an external narrator who relied on seeing from the outside, and there is an internal narrator who presents us with the voice through the character itself by choosing the words expressing the meanings suggestive of the content, the narrative texts carried sufficient narration techniques, and the narrative discourse came with multiple fields that serve all the ideas formulated by the storyteller.
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