Booties in Al-Rashidi age(11-41 AH.)(601/661 AH)

Historical study


  • Kassim Jodah Adday Al –Azergawi Directorate of Education Baghdad Resafa Second General



messenger, booties, Saad


This study cars with booties studies  in Al-Rashidi age limited of period (11-41 AH)(601/632/661 AH), as for the place covers  Morocco and the Levant countries, the booties subject obtains significant importance in Islamic history, being nerve of economic life in Islam threshold, thus this research cares with  studying it  considering the historical aspect with illustrating its kind and size                         

    in Al-Rashidi age has witnessed persistence movement of the Islamic conquests. Represented a complete to what  messenger  ( peace be upon him) started, it is obvious to be accompanied that the conquers  obtained the enemy booties, the Muslims offered to cities residences to convert Islam or tribute, the one who refuse to be fight and to confiscate his monies                                                          

    It is worth mentioned that the most effective period, the Muslims obtained  many booties was during  Omar bin Al-Khatab succession, especial in conquest of Iraq. Andrich Persia, Syria( Al-Sham) country and its extensions, in Egypt.. Cyprus and morocco, importance of booties  like Iraq front.


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How to Cite

Booties in Al-Rashidi age(11-41 AH.)(601/661 AH): Historical study. (2020). Al-Adab Journal, 134, 287-312.

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