Changing the patterns of housing units in the city of Baghdad

(Al-Salam neighborhood as a case study)


  • Zainab Abdul-Sattar Abdul-Jabbar University of Baghdad/ College of Education Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences
  • Areej Bahjat Ahmed Hassan, Phd. University of Baghdad/ College of Education Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences



residential units, retail, style


The residents of the city of Baghdad, including the study area, tended to divide their housing units due to the market's inability to provide new housing or for investment reasons. In addition, the numbers of these fragmented units differ from one neighborhood to another and from one locality to another, and this phenomenon leads to an increase in the housing stock, but it leads to changes in the residential environment. Therefore, dividing the original housing units into two, three or more parts depends on the many factors available in the neighborhoods that prompted the residents of these neighborhoods to carry out the division process. These divisions lead to a change in the patterns of housing units because they work to change the area of ​​these units, their designs, shapes and service facilities, which leads to the unfitness of some of them for housing, but these units differ in their patterns from one neighborhood to another, and the main reason is the difference in the area of ​​the original housing units and the living and social level of families.


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How to Cite

Changing the patterns of housing units in the city of Baghdad: (Al-Salam neighborhood as a case study). (2022). Al-Adab Journal, 3(143), 227-248.

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