The significance of the styles of the assertive conditional sentence on the meaning in Surat Al Imran


  • Nada Siham Ismail






Using analysis and tracking of where the condition of the firm in Surat Al-Imran, and illustrated meanings Eats her wanted, we find that the style of the condition of the firm promotes jobs not less important than the methods grammatical Other, Valadah (The) Umm Bab condition indicates things are tolerant of falling and doubtful access, and the advent of reaction condition and answer format Almdharah actual sentence, reinforcing the event and strengthens, and the tool (from) indicate the condition of the irm sane, and shows the whole event and strength  .                 

       The advent of reaction condition and his answer as the actual past, with a tool that is, an indication of the occurrence of the act certainly no room for discussion in it, as well as the use of assertive policing tools to achieve legitimacy in terms of the provisions:

  1. in verse 145 of Surah Al-Imran, talking about the will of the reward of the world and its fortunes, not deprived of the reward of the afterlife and fortunes, but God gives man what he promised in the afterlife with what is going on it from a living in this world, and here we find that the style of the condition grammar forces and broad destination legit .

2. brought to the past with the requirement to indicate the occurrence of the event once inevitably, and this was confirmed by field grammar and Kan came destination legitimate, that the pilgrimage binding once in a lifetime; because the tool condition came with the actual formula the past, but repetition is the door closer to God, Voslob requirement rises functions are not as important as grammatical Other methods, including the significance of diversity, it has created a beautiful structure; required to achieve meanings, harmonious and coordinated



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الرسائل الجامعية

(1) أثر المعنى في الدراسات النحوية حتى نهاية القرن الرابع الهجري اطروحة دكتوراه تقدم بها د. كريم حسين ناصح الى جامعة بغداد






Linguistics and Arabic literature

How to Cite

Ismail, N. S. (2015). The significance of the styles of the assertive conditional sentence on the meaning in Surat Al Imran. Al-Adab Journal, 2(111), 193-214.

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