Devil (ÁLÛ) and Devil (ardat lilî) in the beliefs of Mesopotamia


  • حسين عليوي عبد الحسين السعدي College of Archeaology / University of Kufa



: Mesopotamia, Devil, Sumerians, Akkadian


The research dealt with some of the concepts of belief in the occult beings represented by a pair of devils, one of which is the masculine devil (ÁLÛ), the other is the female devil (lilî ardat). The activities of this husband were highlighted and the harmful effects of their actions on the people of Mesopotamia and how to prevent their evils by the practices and methods of various ways, such as curses and advancement according to the dealings of the clergy of the Sumerians and Akkadian with them .Confirmed religious beliefs in Mesopotamia since its inception on the issue of The need for two poles or two elements in the field of good or evil and this is expressed by the philosophy of life and death of those people.

Note that these beliefs have been transferred to other people outside the territory of Mesopotamia because of the primacy of radiation civilization Mesopotamia, which covered the globe with his brilliant light.


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Author Biography

  • حسين عليوي عبد الحسين السعدي, College of Archeaology / University of Kufa

    م.د. حسين عليوي عبد الحسين السعدي

    جامعة الكوفة - كـليـة الآثـار


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How to Cite

عبد الحسين السعدي ح. ع. (2018). Devil (ÁLÛ) and Devil (ardat lilî) in the beliefs of Mesopotamia. Al-Adab Journal, 1(124), 285-298.

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