Self Advertising in Space Channels A Study Analysis in Rooting the Expression


  • Adnan AbdelMoneim Aboulsaad كلية دجلة الجامعة الاهلية - قسم الاعلام
  • Zeena Abdel Hadi Mohamed Ali Media Department / Dijlah University College



Self Advertising, Space Channels


Many space channels launched on promoting their products represented by programs, dialogues , reports and commodities produced by same channel. These channels maintained to post advertisements about such items the matter which caused significant theoretical confusion in defining such types of advertisements to which the definition of recurrent advertisement in advertising literature does not apply. It seems that such channels spotted the benefits reaped from the transmission of such slogans as it appeared from the first moment to transform thereinafter into advertisements aired by those channels that promote their products. Both researchers subjected a group of such slogans to research and analysis to come out with a theoretical description for them in harmony with the common analysis schedules blanks . in order to achieve this goal , both analysts relied on the analytical description methodology in  handling the research subject. 

From this research analysis, both researchers reached a number of conclusions to cite :

  • Most space channels recently tends to raise their own advertising slogans by which it may express itself.
  • The self advertising is invested by such channels as a means to attract advertising agencies the matter which has a great impact in increasing their financial revenues.


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How to Cite

Aboulsaad, A. A., & Mohamed Ali, Z. A. H. (2018). Self Advertising in Space Channels A Study Analysis in Rooting the Expression. Al-Adab Journal, 1(126), 458-473.

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