The role of public relations in social welfare
applied on childhood institutions in UAE
public relations, social welfare, . Childhood institutions, Social workAbstract
The research objective study Interdisciplinary Research between social sciences by clarifying the role of public relations in social welfare by applying to childhood institutions in the UAE. The research also clarifies the role of institutional social welfare and its importance in providing services to the public through the social welfare function. The research based on the descriptive approach using the tools of observation, interview and questionnaire. The most important results of the research were to emphasize the importance of the role of public relations in supporting the rights of the child and that social welfare has a guiding role in the field of social welfare and that there is dissatisfaction with the role of public relations in social welfare institutions.
Received: 16/09/2019
Accepted: 28/10/2019
Published: 15/3/2020
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