The Philosophical Creativity of Sayyid Muhammad Hussein Al-Tabatabai )

The Proof of the Righteous


  • نصيف محسن الهاشمي Imam Al - Kadhim College of Islamic Sciences.



Sayyid Muhammad Hussein Al-Tabatabai, Philosophical, Creativity


Praise be to God, the uniqueness of the existence of the unity of generosity and generosity, we thank him for his frequent blessing and thank him for the merging and prayer on the honorable souls of the pure Muhammad and the glory of the shining star. After that, the science of philosophy from the mothers of mental science, but the strongest proof and highest status and supervised by an end, it is careful to know the truth and the highest qualities and names of the beautiful, and this is the disposal of many investigators Hmhm in the collection and achievement, and wrote valuable works.

And the great scholar and philosopher Mr. Muhammad Hussein Tabatabai (may Allah have mercy on him) of those investigators, he made his effort in the collection of philosophy and the realization of divine knowledge, and wrote valuable books and precious effects. Including the book "the beginning of wisdom" in the transcendental wisdom, which he wrote at the end of the accuracy and mastery and good style and strength of the statement, avoiding the tedious redundancy and concise brevity. The report of the proof of the two friends in a wonderful face, which is one of the most philosophical proofs relied upon by the greatest of the wise, the counterparts of Ibn Sina and the investigator Tusi and the chest of the Almohain.

 Al-Tabatabai criticized the earlier of the scholars in the report of proof of the two friends that their proof does not depend on proving the duty to something behind existence. The introduction of the role and sequence in the statement of evidence contradicts that proof and then between his method of proving God without relying on his evidence on the media. This statement sharpened the minds of the wise, and they became the statement of proof of the two friends a statement worthy of their position, which is dispensed with the Almighty to rely on others, or something of his creation and done.


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How to Cite

الهاشمي ن. م. (2019). The Philosophical Creativity of Sayyid Muhammad Hussein Al-Tabatabai ): The Proof of the Righteous. Al-Adab Journal, 1(Special Issue), 43-60. is.480

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