The movement in Aristotle's philosophy ”
"Its suffixes and its source"
Aristotle's, philosophy, movementAbstract
There is so muuh of Studies about the importance of the movement in Aristotle's philosophy that it's the core or the center of this philosophy which can not be understood except by linking and read their parts with each other, the concepts used by Aristotle such as force and deed, the four causes , and adoer that does not move, all of which were in service and prove the existence of Movement in nature, not to topple the theories of the first philosophers, but for a realistic interpretation of existence. In order to understand this issue we've divided this study into three sections:
the first part entitled “the sense and space of movement in the philosophy of Aristotle.
the second part entitled “the suffixes movement such as the tense, place and the blankness and unending.
the third part entitled “the movement source “.
we have reached at the conclusion of our search to view supports the opinion of Al-Farabi in his book "The composing between the opinon of Plato and Aristotle “ that the difference between the ideal of Plato and realistic Aristotle is not fully in the sense that they (Plato and Aristotle) make a difference were not on opposite sides, but there are some similarities between thire philosophy,such as the first Principle I've shared by material in creating the universe but it paradoxical and pure or abstract on both ofPlato and Aristotle philosophy, in addition to that ,
the universe moves yearning and attracting attempt to imitate perfectly the first principle and beauty, movement at both of thir philosophy is spiritual nature , and Research in Motion is led them from nature to beyond it (mytaphysics).
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