Literature and its role in describing the social conditions of Egypt during the rule of the Tenth Dynasty


  • Ali Shalan Hussein University of Baghdad/ College of Education - Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences
  • Asst. Prof. Sabah Jassim Hamadi Al-Mashhadani University of Baghdad/ College of Education - Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences



Egypt Old, age Al-Ahnasi, kingdom Ihnasia


that what Serve it literature Egyptian in squeeze out The family Al-Ahnasia tenth reflects for us pattern from Patterns Objection And documentation For events unless Social that It passed With it The country where He was For literature Role Important in to treat a lot from Crises Politics And social And economic And it doesn't pass with it The country from conditions Difficult Contributed literature In a way big in receipt This is amazing Suffering that Solved Per person Egyptian in This is amazing Period to the king that He was He lives in His palace from Without knowledge what happens in The country from poverty Hunger And spread Chaos And murder in all place And absence authority the king And looted Stores Country Described for us literature What was Being in The country where He was For tips ibor to the king Role big in processed And it reversed for us Texts Literary in Covenant The two families Nine And ten o'clock that reach Her rule His kinship one hundred general Many from Aspects Social And morality And cultural And it was Title Researcher the first nature Activity Literary in Ihnasia And also advice ibor Or Researcher the second literature reading for life Social.


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How to Cite

Literature and its role in describing the social conditions of Egypt during the rule of the Tenth Dynasty. (2024). Al-Adab Journal, 150, 197-212.

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