Identity crisis and its relationship to suicidal tendencies among secondary school students who have lost one or both parents


  • Raad Guma Khalaf Al-Shuaibi Anbar University - College of Education for Human Sciences
  • Assist. Prof. Fouad Muhammad Freih Anbar University - College of Education for Human Sciences



suicide, orphan, student, secondary school


The objective of the current study is to identify the degree of identity crisis and suicidal tendencies among secondary school students who have lost one or both parents. The research sample consisted of (400) male and female students from Anbar Governorate secondary schools who were in the fourth, fifth, sixth preparatory grade – scientific and literary for ages 16, 17, 18 years old. The current study prepared "Al-Manzel" scale, which was prepared according to the (Rasmussen, 1961) scale to measure the identity crisis, which consists of six stages out of the eight Erikson stages, with (64) items with five alternatives. The suicidal tendencies scale consisted of 36 items with 5 subscales, The statistical analysis's findings showed that the research sample had a high significant of identity crisis, with age differences and a gender in favor of females. The results also showed that there were three different levels of identity crisis. Members of the sample were included in both the weak level of crisis (19.76%) and the average level of crisis (65.262%) categories. The higher percentage of people experiencing a severe identity crisis was 62, which made up 15% of the entire sample population. Too, there were three levels of suicidal tendencies, according to the results. Average level of suicidal tendencies: more than half of the sample (67.268%) fell into this category (16.63%), which included people with low levels of suicidal tendencies. The higher percentage of people who had severe suicidal tendencies was 69, making up 17% of the entire sample. Furthermore, there has been a positive correlation between suicidal tendencies and identity crises. The likelihood of students attempting suicide increases with the prevalence of identity crises.


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Educational and psychological sciences

How to Cite

Identity crisis and its relationship to suicidal tendencies among secondary school students who have lost one or both parents. (2024). Al-Adab Journal, 149, 431-462.

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