Ruthlessness against Women during Wars in Danai Gurira's Eclipsed
A Feminist Approach
Dehumanization, feminism, gender, warsAbstract
Civil wars, conflicts, and the spread of terror in recent times have produced a lot of loss and left great many victims. The terrorist assaults on women like the kidnappings of more than twenty-seven young female students by the terrorist organization Boko Haram and the news about the widespread rape and sexual exploitation in regions of conflict have prompted several theatrical plays in the United States that picture those crimes of violence. Works by women of African origin who migrated to the States as well as those who reside in Africa have also exposed the suffering of African women as far as sexual violence, oppression, and disease are concerned. The main purpose of the research is to clarify and investigate in detail Gurira 's Eclipsed through the lens of transnationalism as a recent field of inquiry which has emerged as another theoretical theory through which we can see the brutal acts against women in times of war. An example of those acts is those that took place during the Liberian Civil War in 2003. The helpless women in the play are caught in an intolerable state that lets them be treated like slaves who have lost their bodies and souls, and how do they pass their calamities.
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