Towards a proposed conception of the role of social service specialist in reducing child labor in reducing child labor in Iraq

Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs as a model


  • Muhammad Hamid Alwan Aqool Department of Social Work/ College of Education for Women/ University of Baghdad



Role, social service specialist, child labor


The child, due to his biological composition and age stage, depends on society for its various needs, and any lack of satisfaction of these needs will lead to leaving a deep negative impact on his personality.  It weakens the energies, capabilities and capabilities of the future generation in the advancement of their societies, and that the child’s work is a violation of his rights and duties. The aim of the research is to define a proposed conception for the role of a professional practice specialist for social work to reduce child labor in Iraqi society, with the support of a social service specialist to provide social care for children working at an early age  And to clarify the developmental role of social service in reducing child labor, in light of some demographic variables such as (gender, social status, economic status, and national participation), and a field study was conducted in the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, a questionnaire was applied to a random sample of  (50) social researcher in various places affiliated with the ministry, and the results showed the existence of a positive correlation  Statistically significant between the role of the social researcher in the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the reduction of child labor, and the results showed that working children suffer from family disintegration and ignorance of families, which makes them feel less optimistic compared to their peers, and there are significant statistically significant differences between the role of the service specialist  Social work and the reduction of child labor within the Iraqi society, and there are moral differences with statistical significance between the role of the social service specialist and child care, and the research reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which is working to provide social support by the state to families with limited income to reduce child labor in  Iraq, and the need to establish family guidance and counseling offices in residential neighborhoods to treat and support families suffering from family disintegration and provide social care for their children.


Author Biography

  • Muhammad Hamid Alwan Aqool, Department of Social Work/ College of Education for Women/ University of Baghdad



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How to Cite

Alwan, M. (2023). Towards a proposed conception of the role of social service specialist in reducing child labor in reducing child labor in Iraq: Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs as a model. Al-Adab Journal, 145, 517-538.

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