The stages of the union of the English and Scottish Thrones (1603-1707)

A reading of political and religious motives and jutifications


  • Rana Abdul Jabar H. Alzuhairi, Phd. AL-Mustansiriy university-College of Education - Department of History



England,, Scotland, law of union


This study aims to know the stages of the English-Scottish union of the two thrones for the period between (1603-1707), the union of the two thrones in (1603) created a structural problem in the body of the Kingdom of England, as one kingdom became ruling three separate kingdoms Scotland, England and Ireland, the problem presented by the research It is represented by a central question: “Was the idea of ​​unifying the English and Scottish thrones a central issue stemming from the nature of the need to unify the constitutional institutions between the two kingdoms, or was it an urgent matter that found supporters in both countries and ended with the declaration of the union in 1707?” The researcher relied on the historical research method, the research department on three axes. The first axis examined the historical roots of the Anglo-Scottish Union until the year (1685), while the second axis discussed the position of the Scottish Parliament regarding the mandate of the Covenant (1685-1702), while the third axis clarified the political efforts The union of the English and Scottish thrones.



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How to Cite

Alzuhairi, R. A. J. H. (2022). The stages of the union of the English and Scottish Thrones (1603-1707): A reading of political and religious motives and jutifications. Al-Adab Journal, 2(143), 169-188.

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