The most important university strategies to develop the values of citizenship
An Analytical Theory Study
Strategy, university, development, citizenship valuesAbstract
Societies’ quest to take care of their universities, create more of them, and provide them with the means of strength and development, is an option that takes priority and takes precedence, as higher education represents the top of the educational system, the crown of the academic path, and the ultimate educational and formal end for students and scholars. It also constitutes the cornerstone of the development process of society and the main indicator of people’s progress and prosperity. In order for universities to contribute to preparing students in an efficient manner to meet the requirements of life and its future developments, they must work seriously on developing methods and methods of teaching and training in them and benefit from the latest developments in the field of modern educational technologies and their independence.
The research reached the following most important results:
- Student activities constitute an important aspect of the educational process.
- The university administration in universities plays the role of the organizing mediator that helps to develop the personality of the individual.
- The development of curricula in line with the developments and challenges of the times has become the ideal key to development in all areas of practical and scientific life.
- Teaching strategies represent a plan that includes organized procedures carried out by the teacher (the professor) and his students to achieve a set of educational goals necessary to implement the educational situation through a group of teaching methods, which express the methods, means and procedures used to organize the interaction of students in educational situations to gain the desired educational and educational experiences.
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