Strategies for developing service delivery structures in Iraq
inmates, correctional institution, punishmentAbstract
The strategy of developing the infrastructure of correctional institutions has been linked to the establishment of correctional institutions and systems to track criminals to this day and reached a point where it found an alternative to the punishment of deprivation of liberty because of its negative impact on the lives of inmates and their families, because correctional institutions in previous eras were centers of punishment of criminals instead of Their rehabilitation and reform centers, because the stage of punitive implementation is one of the most dangerous stages in which the rights of inmates are violated, which necessitated the search for strategies to evaluate the system of these institutions in accordance with the rules and laws of rehabilitation and reform that are under the management of correctional institutions, the state and society. It also requires some guarantees in the Rehabilitation and Reform Agreement for the purpose of achieving a balance between human nature and the rights of inmates, as the application of punishment and classification standards is one of the most important guarantees that can guarantee the rehabilitation of inmates in a way that meets the requirements of human rights and safety in the comprehensive concept that correctional institutions seek for what they offer Rehabilitation and treatment programs for guests.
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