The dialectic of the relationship between community police and family security


  • Syfaan Fahim Jasim University of Babylon / College of Arts / Department of Sociology
  • Ahmed Jassim Matrood University of Babylon / College of Arts / Department of Sociology



Police, Society, Family, Violence, Security


     Family security is of great importance in all areas of social life, and at the level of the individual, family and society. It is a continuous dynamic process based in its essence on two main aspects, which are internal security and external security. There is a relationship of influence and influence between family security and social security. And the opposite is true, not to mention that one complements the other, so the individual cannot insure himself, his money and his honor in a society where chaos, disorder and deviation prevail, and it is also difficult to reach integration according to the chaos of the surrounding society, and to achieve social security, it must pass through several stages Starting from the individual himself, passing through the family, and ending with the state, and each of these three segments has conditions and duties that must be met in order to achieve social security.



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How to Cite

Jasim, S. F., & Matrood, A. J. (2022). The dialectic of the relationship between community police and family security. Al-Adab Journal, 2(140), 389-404.

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