The Bimaristans in the Ayyubid period (567AH - 648AH/1172AD - 1250AD)


  • Forat Mahmood Merin Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Engineering
  • Qusay Assad Abdul Hamid Al-Rawi Al-Mustansiriya University/ Al-Mustansiriya Center for Arab and International Studies



The Ayyubid era, The Bimaristans, Egypt, health


The bimaristan is one of the public charitable institutions, which the sultans cared about, especially Sultan Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, who established the many bimaristans and placed the many endowments on them, and his successors followed his policy in terms of attention to them, and because it is a health care center that cares about the health of patients and their treatment, the Ayyubids equipped it with all What you need from doctors, surgeons, nurses, workers and servants, as well as joined by a department of pharmacy, in which students learn to prepare drugs. The bimaristan was divided into sections, one for females and another for males.


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How to Cite

Merin, F. M., & Al-Rawi, Q. A. A. H. (2021). The Bimaristans in the Ayyubid period (567AH - 648AH/1172AD - 1250AD). Al-Adab Journal, 3(139), 73-90.

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