Abu Saad Al-Idrisi Alastrabathi Historian of the history of Samarqand
Alastrabathi, Historian of SamarqandAbstract
Samarkand is considered one of the provinces of Transoxiana, and it was able under the shadow of the Arab Islamic state to rise in a great renaissance in cultural, literary and scientific life that appeared clearly in the fourth century AH, represented by an elite of scholars, jurists, historians, and writers such as Abu Saad Al-Idrisi Al-Astrabadi, historian of the history of Samarkand and others who contributed a great deal. Abundant in the awakening of the nation in that historical era. The study showed the emergence of books that placed the human sciences, including in the histories of Samarkand in the fourth and fifth centuries AH. The Samarqand history blogger is considered one of the important sources that many historians have borrowed from, such as Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi and others who provided us with important information and basic sources on the translations of the Samarqand. There is no doubt that a number of Baghdad scholars have borrowed from it from its men and scholars and mentioned their lineage, sheikhs, students, place and dates of their deaths, as al-Khatib translated it based on the history of Samarkand by al-Idrisi.
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