قراء في الفلسفة الحديثة للحقوق الطبيعية ( رؤية أخلاقية لمسعى إنساني )
Formed the natural rights of the part that is inextricably image justice of God that do not carry the only private image of former first case of the community, in terms of the primitive state is inherent Qaeda in the emotion of the temperament of human good and which are mainly Muslims exist in every human being makes him realize social justice without external him emitter, because justice among individuals to be in a natural origin in all areas in which individuals agree, while the difference in dealing with them is not commensurate with the status of nature, that the relative differences it is only a distinction in dealing him is not of great importance in the origin Because the humanitarian laws of moral, social and economic point of view, and because the aim also of social justice and is seeking a substrate to create a community of Salem and properly and effectively and is capable of recognizing human existence and the defense of that presence, Vtokidh that the human being is the foundation principle for the establishment of the state, and also to understand the issues of the day has to be take into consideration the freedom and choice without slavery, homeland for all and rule for all, regardless of the ruling class and the differences and diversity among its members, without exception, justice, equality and equity between individuals, it is the most important links that achieve social justice issue of the disparity between the people at the height of slavery and the corruption of the authoritarian regime that puts people in a permanent state of permanent dependency and fear, and this is not only an affront to human dignity and an affront to the inherent right .
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