كنايات العدد في الأسلوب القرآنيّ التأصيل والتفريع
This grammatical study presents the number adjectives (connotations) in the Qur'anic style, which is concerned with the question phrases "how much and how many", and other phrases related to questions. The researcher studied some issues related, on the basis of the Qur'anic texts and styles. The study is analytical showing to what extent the grammarians base their studies of such issues in the field of originality and unoriginality according to the Qur'anic style and the differences among them.
The present study is important because it is a study of some of the grammatical methods in the Quranic style where Arabic grammar has been grown for the purpose of saving its text from deviation.
The problem of the study is presented in the need to investigating the originality of the number adjectives (connotations) in the light of the Quranic style and the views of the grammarians in their studies related to such issues.
The methodology of the study started with searching for the style meaning, discussion and analysis.
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