Intertextuality In Abdulsattar Noor Ali's Poem
This research paper is concerned with the symptom of Intertextuality and its meanings in Abdulsattar Noor Ali's poem and its impact on producing poetic meanings. This symptom has its artistic and stylistic aspects with various backgrounds like : religious, literary, historical, mythic and others as well. This intertextuality is not without function, Its effect lies in rereading of culture and getting benefit from it. In addition to transforming it to new context which serves the poet's viewpoint.
The research is of an introduction and two sections, followed by a conclusion. The introductory part is about the concept of Intertexuality, its definition and importance. The first section is concerned with the study of religious Intertextuality in his poem. The second section is about the literary intertextuality .The research shows the effects of this symptom on enriching the poet's texts by a huge extent of explanations for the texts that have been taken and quoted are in cohesion with the poet's poetic texts for supporting his views and experiences.
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الرسائل الجامعية
- ظاهرة التناص في الشوقيات، مهند عباس حسين( رسالة ماجستير) مقدمة الى الجامعة العراقية، كلية الآداب، قسم اللغة العربية، آب، 2011م: 53.
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