Stylistic displacement in the Romans of Abu Firas al-Hamdani
The deviation feature is considered as an important feature in the stylistic studies that deals with an important phenomenon in stylistic , studies which deal with the poetic texts as an un common style compared with the usual usage of language .
This research tries to deal with styles of this kind of deviation using poems called: (Roo miat Abo – Firas Al – Hamdani) as afield for practice ,that can be seen clearly in his sentimental poems .
Most of those poems dealt with subjects of confiding a secret of personality .The research has been included the following:
1-Engaging the literary symbols .
2-Engaging the homely symbols
3-The subjective speech to personality .
4-The speech of the high authority (power) .
The phenomenon of deviation has been revealed in the following figures of speech :
Technique and styles , metaphors , composition , proclamation , inquiry ,interrogative, and command style
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