Violation of women's rights in the light of the laws of Mesopotamia
law, legislation, moral violation, MesopotamiaAbstract
The laws of ancient Mesopotamia dealt with the social ethic very much, the vices were deprived of all its manifestations and forms. Therefore, they imposed severe punishment on anyone who violates the system, in the interest of ethics and social behavior. The laws also directly related to the behavior of individuals and social relations and made them harmonious with them. The ancient Mesopotamian have held on to ethics and adherence to public order, customs and traditions at that time. Therefore, the law and the interests of individuals are made only by the establishment of special rules applied at a certain time and on a particular occasion. My creation and the imposition of appropriate punishment by the people of ancient Mesopotamia did not go beyond the force of their criminal legislation, and the fact that prohibited sexual acts and violations constitute a violation of morality, which the people of ancient Mesopotamia have taken care of and are committed to defining and restricting their general behavior as societies Or their own behavior as individuals, and that came from the fact that the ancient Mesopotamian are a great deal of urbanization and citizenship , they are at the same time considered a religious people, since religion itself was a virtuous moral approach, and therefore the intermingling and interdependence between religion and morality and law reflected in the form It is clear that when any moral sin takes place, the religious character will reject it completely and leave it to the law to determine the appropriate punishment for it and to apply it to those who committed it.
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