The impact of the temple on the old Iraqi society


  • سعد سلمان فهد  Baghdad University - Faculty of Arts
  • كاظم عبد الله عطية Baghdad University- Faculty of Education for Girls



temple, the old Iraqi society


    The most important feature of the civilization of Mesopotamia is the wealth of civilization produced by human time stations in this country, and the diversity of this cultural richness in the total data between the arts and architecture, writings and other effects left by the ancient  people of Mesopotamia and  What it contains  of the ancient hills stretching from the north of the country To the south.
  Since religion is the main influential factor in the life of man in Mesopotamia, we find the reflection of this influence in the whole life of the people of Mesopotamia, which is evident in their various remnants of art, architecture and cuneiform writings, most of which have purely religious influences. The life of Mesopotamia and to determine the impact of religion in the old Iraqi society This research came to know the precise details of the cuneiform writings that reflect this aspect of the important influence.

  Through the first induction of information on this subject, we can divide the research material into two axes that we can summarize as follows:
The first axis: - Relates to the first beginnings of the influence in primitive societies in the life of Mesopotamia and its impact on their thought and archaeological remnants.

The second axis: - The nature of the temple and its religious and economic role in the life of Mesopotamia through written sources.
The research also includes a conclusion with the most important results that.


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Author Biographies

  • سعد سلمان فهد,  Baghdad University - Faculty of Arts

    ass.Prof. Dr. Saad Salman Fahad

     Baghdad University - Faculty of Arts

    Department of Archeology

  • كاظم عبد الله عطية, Baghdad University- Faculty of Education for Girls

    Ass.Prof.Dr. Khadim abid alla attia

    Baghdad University- Faculty of Education for Girls

    Department of History


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How to Cite

فهد س. س., & عطية ك. ع. ا. (2019). The impact of the temple on the old Iraqi society. Al-Adab Journal, 1(Special Issue), 393-404. is.513

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