Saudi Arabia Kingdom as Model (1990- 2015)
Saudi Arabia Kingdom, YEMENAbstract
Kingdome of Saudi Arabia since a long time seek and makes great efforts to secure Yemen political and economic stability to achieve Yemen people ambitions in stability, security and development in all field of life. The policy of ousted president Ali Abdulah Salih was not in the level that achieve ambitions of his people and evaluate neighbor stated thus Yemen revolution started to change political life through finding a new political authority able to control Yemen affaires promote the concept of good neighbor relation in mutual relations with gulf states and making economic, security and political strategy accepted by all parties and social factions in the country. After the success of Saudi diplomacy which resulted in Gulf Initiative Agreement in 3ed of April 2011 which provide with low of the president Salih within one month and transfer of power peacefully to vice president Abdrabo Mansoor Hady and formation of national unity before elections thus youth revolution is and the crises is ended Although opposition agree on this agreement which also provide immunity from suiting the ousted president attempt to withdraw from signing the opposition suspended its participation in reaching to mutual agreement accusing Salih of bad intention the protests raised after Salih withdraw for the second time. Late in 2011 Salih and the opposition signed in Riyadh on Gulf initiative to transfer Salih power to Abdrabo Mansoor Hady with in thirty and the elections to be held in 21 February 2012 and in trun Salih and his family is granted immunity from smiting. Thus kingdom of Sandia Arabia to calm youth revolution and end political crises in Yemen by ending the periods of Salih that was distinguished by making lost civil wars and secret alliances with terrorist movement and political contrasts in his relation owns with neighbors states and other states. His policy cansed decline of security and political situation in Yemen which paved the way of outbreak of Hothi mutating movement that exploit political and security reconcy. It make use of alliance with Iran first and then with Ali Abdullah Salih and his son to help in removing elected president and his government Here thee ousted president role emerge in support Hothi muting in turn to reach his son Ahmed to presidency . by his financial and military support the mustinats impose their control on Sanaa and surrounding the legal president in presidential palace. He was forced to resign then he withdraw and asked help from Saudi to save Yemen from Hothi movement which seeks to implement Iran agenda in southern Arab peninsula to destabilize the region security and dominate on water passages through control Bab Almandib in Red see and threat naviytion
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