Hydrological characteristics of estimating the volume of flow of the Wadi Abu Al-Debs basin in the north of Anbar Governorate


  • Enas Abd Mohammed Al-Maadidi Anbar University- College of Education for Human Sciences- Department of Geography
  • Asst. Prof. Aws Talag Masha’an Al-Ma’adidi Anbar University- College of Education for Human Sciences- Department of Geography




Abu Debs, Estimation of Flow, Hydrological Properties


The research dealt with the study of hydrological variables that are directly related to estimating the volume of flow in the basin of  Wadi Abu al-Debs, which is located in the north and northeast of  Anbar Governorate with a total area of 949 km2,  and the study area contains five secondary basins varying in terms of area; the largest area is the first basin It has an area of 466 km2, and the smallest area is the second basin with an area of 45 km2, while the rest of the basins have an area of (109, 233, 96) km2 for each of the basins (third, fourth, and fifth), respectively.

The hydrological variables are represented  by the volume of the total flow, which amounted  to 500.87 thousand m3 and  recorded its highest values in the first basin due to  its  large area,  while the  total flow speed reached 11.9 km/h and reached the highest values of the first basin for its large area as well, so it is considered one of the most severe basins, the total deceleration time was 12.29 per hour, which was  estimated according to the Snyder model,  where the highest values were recorded in the first basin  due to the length of its main course, while the total concentration time  reached 5.7 hours  and  its value was high and close between  the secondary basins, except for the second basin, which was characterized by a low  concentration time The total discharge volume reached  (717.1) m3 /s and it was found through the results that the highest value of the volume of discharge was recorded in the first basin,  which indicates its seriousness and the occurrence of a high peak of the  flood, while the discharge time  of the total basin reached (2.29) per hour and the results were close between the basins except for the second basin Its value was low, so it is considered the most dangerous basin to drain its water quickly.


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How to Cite

Al-Maadidi, E. ., & Al-Ma’adidi, A. . (2024). Hydrological characteristics of estimating the volume of flow of the Wadi Abu Al-Debs basin in the north of Anbar Governorate. Al-Adab Journal, 151, 333-360. https://doi.org/10.31973/tte7gh52

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