Condition letters in the Syriac language
A comparative linguistic study with the Arabic language
Tools, Letters, ConditionAbstract
The research deals with a study on the letters of the condition in the Arabic and Syriac languages, a comparative Semitic linguistic study. The research dealt with the concept of the condition and its definition in language and idiomatically, as well as addressing the pillars of the condition method in general and its patterns. Then he dealt with the conditional tools and their sections in Arabic and Syriac as an introduction to the study of the conditional letters as part of the condition tools. The research then presented the letters of the condition in a detailed manner supported by examples and sentences taken from the ancient and modern sober Arabic and Syriac grammatical sources, indicating their number, purpose and grammatical cases, as well as the differences and compatibility between them in the Arabic and Syriac languages. The reason for choosing the letters of the condition as a subject for our research is the difference between the Arab and Syriac grammarians about the naming of the letters of the condition and limiting their number and type in terms of nominalism and literalism. Despite the importance of the subject of the condition, but it did not receive sufficient due studies and research, especially in the Syriac language, where the importance of studying this research lies in the importance of the subject of the letters of the condition and the extent of their wide use in all languages, especially in the Semitic languages. At the end of the research, the most prominent results extracted from it were presented.
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