Environmental ethics towards a new philosophical awareness


  • Amal Abdullah Attia University of Baghdad - College of Arts - Department of Philosophy




Ethics, environment, Awareness, Moral education, New environmental ethics


Man has become today in the position of the convict and the biggest culprit of what has befallen the environment in terms of pollution, as he consumes more than the amount that nature can provide, and this consumption has negative and dangerous effects on the environment in general.  The development witnessed by the twentieth century and what followed in the field of science led to serious problems caused by the negative impact of science and advanced technologies in other fields of science on nature. with it. This made philosophers and those interested in environmental issues raise questions about the human relationship with nature and the environment. Are humans the only beings that have an original value in the universe, or does the natural world and its plants and animals have their own value independent of their benefit to humans? Do humans have moral obligations towards other humans, in addition to their obligations towards plants, animals, and what is included in the environmental system? What is the extent of environmental problems that result from human towards the environment? Does a person have moral responsibilities towards future generations? Does man have the freedom and right to exterminate other beings for his own benefit and progress? All these questions and others have been tried by philosophers and those interested in environmental affairs to answer them and find solutions to environmental problems caused by man.


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How to Cite

Attia, A. A. (2023). Environmental ethics towards a new philosophical awareness. Al-Adab Journal, 2(144), 129-144. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v2i144.4041

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