The spatial and temporal variation of the concentration of gaseous pollutants in the air of the Al-karaduh area


  • Athrau Walid Abdel Aziz Hassan University of Baghdad / College of Education Ibn Rushd
  • Ali Abdul-Zahra Al-Waeli, Phd. University of Baghdad / College of Education Ibn Rushd



concentration of pollutants, carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide


This study aims to investigate air pollution with polluting gases, which vary in place and time, and their impact on humans and their health in the Karrada area, which is located in the city of Baghdad, where the city of Baghdad is one of the large important cities, where the study of air pollution with polluted and harmful gases is one of the most serious problems.  Which threatens not only humans, but also threatens the lives of the rest of the living beings, whether plants and animals, and that these problems resulted from technological, industrial and civilized progress,

 As these gaseous pollutants have an impact on the health status of humans and psychologically, and the polluted gases and diseases caused by these gases have been identified, such as asthma, allergies, anemia, lung diseases, shortness of breath, breathing, the comprehensive nervous system, kidneys, fetal malformation, heart diseases, nervous system and other diseases, in addition to  To these gaseous pollutants are not only harmful to humans, but also to animals and plants.

 Where this research is concerned with the study in detecting the concentration of gaseous pollutants in the air of the study area in the Karrada region, supported by tables and illustrations.  The modeling process in this region was carried out by monitoring each month of the year from (and the year is 12 months, but the climatic station was operated for five months, from January to May), as well as the annual rates of pollutant gas concentrations were recorded from the year (2006-  2020) to detect the concentration of three gases which are (Co,No,No2).



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How to Cite

Hassan, A. W. A. A., & Al-Waeli, A. A.-Z. (2022). The spatial and temporal variation of the concentration of gaseous pollutants in the air of the Al-karaduh area. Al-Adab Journal, 3(143), 249-262.

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