Theory of Queues and their Application in the Ports of Saudi Arabia
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, PortsAbstract
The geographical location of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is characterized by an important maritime landscape. It is located on two important maritime fronts, namely the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea, which led to the spread of ports on their coasts, which gave the Kingdom the opportunity to be the most important international road linking the East and West. To the importance of the backside, which includes several economic activities, which led to the specialization of some in a specific job, such as commercial or dedicated to the determination of industrial products such as petrochemicals, oil products, chemical fertilizers and sulfur.
It is clear from the application of the theory of waiting lines (Artel) on the Saudi ports, that the operational efficiency is different and different from one port to another depending on the area of the port and its stores and design capacity as well as the possession of each port of machinery and equipment that reduce the time during the loading and unloading, The theory was reached:
Ras Al Khair and Jazan ports have the lowest loading and unloading time for ship arrival time, service delivery, vessel transit, number of vessels expected in the LS system, LQ, expected wait time in the system (WS) and WQ ), While the ports of Jeddah Islamic and King Abdul Aziz, the highest rate of what is mentioned, because of the large volume of commercial vessels reluctant to these ports because they have a prominent position in the Saudi business activity
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