Health culture in the Baghdadi community
an analytical anthropological view of Baghdadi proverbs
Culture, health culture, popular culture, popular proverbsAbstract
The current research aims to identify
- Recognizing the image of health culture in the light of the popular Baghdadi proverbs
- Directing our gaze to the popular Baghdadi proverbs that we can benefit from
- Examination of the raw material, which is the many and varied examples
- The research was based on the method of analyzing the scientific material to be studied (Al-Baghdadi Proverbs)
The research reached to the most important results
- Folk proverbs are a means of delivering a message in the field of healthy culture to individuals that helps them to know a lot of information about the spread of diseases and limit their confrontation.
- Popular proverbs for any society express the intellectual system that forms the cultural framework for them
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