Residential regions and housing transition trends and currents on the Rusafa side in the city of Baghdad for the year 2020
residential regions, housing relocation, geography of cities, geography of population, the side of RusafaAbstract
Historical facts indicate that the residential transition since the dawn of history, as the individual and collective migration of man took place in the eons of ancient life in search of pasture and water, but it settled relatively on the banks of the rivers to form the first civilizations of man in Egypt, Iraq, and China, and it means the spatial movement of the population ( Spatial Mobility: moving from one place to another and includes both periodic movement and migration.
Geographers have been interested in population studies for a long time, and they have also been interested in studying the interaction of man with his environment and residence in which he lives, and this interaction resulted in a number of population variables, increasing or decreasing from one period to another. Internal migration is of great importance as it is one of the three influential elements of population growth, namely: (births, deaths, and migration), in the characteristics of population growth, population distribution and other population phenomena.
And the spatial movement of the population increased in all governorates of Iraq and in the study area, which is represented by internal migration from cities to cities and from one region to another, and the resulting social, service, and demographic consequences, whether in the areas of origin or in the areas of arrival.
This research is concerned with housing and residential regions, and trends in the housing movement, and its currents on the Rusafa side, because it is one of the major problems that plague the Iraqi society, and trouble Iraqis, especially after 2003, and the urgent need for housing and housing change according to the concept of housing that extends to economic and social issues, urban, and political, all interact within one system within which all previous considerations operate; Because housing is linked to providing a basic social need in an individual's life, any defect in providing this need will generate great pressures on countries to change policies and housing programs to more dynamic policies.
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