Figurative interrogation duty in the word of Imam Ali (peace upon him)


  • موسی عربي جامعة شيراز- شيراز – ايران
  • سکینة زارع نجاد ماجستير في اللغة العربية وآدابها جامعة شيراز- شيراز- ايران



: figurative interrogation, Imam Ali, short anecdotes,


Imam Ali word has a high position in Arabic such that has strong effect on people due to having valuable and excellent concepts and meanings. And since Imam Ali prophecy is to guide people from neglect to perfection and to reach this goal, he chose various methods to do his prophecy and used it to induce his words to addressee eg. arranging his word to figurative interrogation style such that beyond this style, some deep secrets and meanings are hidden. Presence of this style invite people to right and induce their emotions and feelings is among the best presentational style, then it is proper that in order to deep understanding it, one thinks on it based on the speech style and literal and abstract proportion . this study tries to examine figurative interrogation in short anecdotes by Imam Ali in Gorarol hekam and Dorarol hekam and uncover some properties of this style and it's beauties and also rate of this style effect and duty on sending Imam message based on descriptive-analytical method. It is considered that most of the interrogations applied in Imam word doesn't aim to understanding but also, beyond this style some other goals are bidden and often Imam Ali has used interrogation style in religious purposes such as guiding people and advicing them and paying attention to their actions and also blaming them due to materialism and ignoring hereafter day.


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Author Biographies

  • موسی عربي, جامعة شيراز- شيراز – ايران

    أ.م.د. موسی عربي

    جامعة شيراز- شيراز – ايران

    [email protected]

  • سکینة زارع نجاد, ماجستير في اللغة العربية وآدابها جامعة شيراز- شيراز- ايران

    سکینة زارع نجاد

    ماجستير في اللغة العربية وآدابها

    جامعة شيراز- شيراز- ايران

    [email protected]


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How to Cite

عربي م., & زارع نجاد س. (2018). Figurative interrogation duty in the word of Imam Ali (peace upon him). Al-Adab Journal, 1(121), 211-226.

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