تأثير العناصر والظواهر المناخية في الاستهلاك المائي والمقنن المائي لمحصول الخيار في قضاء الطارمية


  • Manaf Muhammad Zarzour University of Baghdad/ College of Education - Ibn Rushd
  • Ahmed Muhammad University of Baghdad/ College of Education - Ibn Rushd



الكلمات المفتاحية:

خ الزراعي، الاستهلاك المائي، المقنن المائي


يعد هذ البحث من الابحاث في مجال المنُاخ التطبيقي- الزراعي، إذ هدف إلى (حساب الموازنة المائية المناخية والاستهلاك المائي والمقنن المائي لمحصول الخيار للزراعة المكشوفة في قضاء الطارمية) وبيان مدى تأثير المناخ في المقنن المائي الصافي. اظهرت الدراسة وجود عجز مائي دائم خلال فصل نمو محصول الخيار، بسبب تباين  معدلات الامطار في  فصل النمو، إذ سجلت محطة سامراء  أعلى كمية عجز مائي بلغت (1244.3) ملم، في حين  سجلت محطة الخالص أدنى عجز مائي في فصل النمو بلغ نحو (941.1) ملم، كما بينت  الدراسة ان المقنن المائي  لمحصول الخيار المكشوف  بطريقة الري السيحي يتباين زمانياً ومكانياً في منطقة الدراسة وذلك تبعاً لاختلاف تأثير العناصر المنُاخية، أذ سجلت محطة سامراء أعلى كمية للمقنن المائي  بلغ  نحو (1368.8) ملم طول فصل النمو، بينما سجلت محطة الخالص  أدنى كمية بلغ  نحو (1049.3) ملم طول فصل النمو.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


Ali Abdel-Zahra Al-Waeli, The Origins of Applied Climate, previous source, p. 107.

Salam, Ahmed Al-Jubouri’s phone, climate and agricultural crops, previous source, pg. 519

Ibrahim Abd Shendi Al-Saadi, previous source, p. 145.

Ali Abdul-Zahra Al-Waeli, Hydrology and Morphometric Science, Ahmed Al-Dabbagh Press, Baghdad, 2012, p. 193.

Salam phone Ahmed Al-Jubouri, Applied Climatology, previous source, p. 113.

Nahla Wathiq Mahmoud Al-Shammari, The Effect of Effective Rain on the Productivity of Wheat and Barley in the Diyala Basin in Iraq, Master’s Thesis (unpublished), College of Education ibn Diyala University, 2008, pg 4.

Muthanna Fadel Ali Al-Waeli, Water and Climate Balance in Najaf Governorate, A Study in Applied Climate, Master's Thesis (unpublished), College of Arts, University of Kufa, 2004, p. 106.

Ali Abdel-Zahra Al-Waeli, Hydrology and Morphometric Science, previous source, p. 233.

Salam phone Ahmed al-Jubouri, Applied Climatology, previous source, p. 113.

Ibrahim bin Salman Al-Uhaidib, Introduction to Weather, Climate and Geography, Al-Amniah Library, Riyadh, 2004, pg. 395.

BIPA K. Jana, impact of climate change on natural resource management, springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London new york 2010, p248.

Salam Tel Ahmed al-Jubouri, Climate and Agricultural Crops, previous source, pg (374-375).

Khaled Ahmed Khamis Al-Tamimi, The Impact of Climate Elements on Pomegranate Cultivation and Production in Al-Muqdadiya District, Master Thesis “G.M”, College of Education, University of Diyala, 2014, p. 135.

Ali Abdel-Zahra Al-Waeli, The Origins of Applied Climate, previous source, (77-85).

Ali Abdul-Hussein Balasem Al-Akaili, Using the optimal method to estimate the values of evapotranspiration in the climate of Iraq, a master’s thesis (unpublished) Ibn Rushd College of Education, University of Baghdad, 2014, p. 11.

Salam Hatif Ahmad al-Jubouri, Fundamentals of Agroclimatology, previous source, p. 215.

Ammar Majid Mutlaq Al-Azzawi, Analysis of the Effect of Seasonal Changes in Climate Elements on the Intensity of Drought Waves in Iraq, PhD thesis (unpublished), College of Education, Tikrit University, 2019, pp. (119-120).

The equation requires that the wind speed be measured at a height of (2) meters, and since the Iraqi meteorological stations are measured at a height of (10) m, so it is necessary to convert the wind speed in the stations of the study area to a height of (2) m depending on the conversion factor (0.78), by multiplying wind speed rates by the conversion factor.

Salam Hatif Ahmad Al-Jubouri, The Role of Climate in Variation of Potential Evaporation/Transpiration Values in the Southern Region of Iraq, Using CROPWATO8 Program, previous source, p. 337.

Essam Khudair Al-Hadithi and Ahmed Madlool Al-Kubaisi, Yas Khudair Al-Kubaisi, Modern Irrigation Technologies, College of Agriculture, University of Anbar, 2010, p. 58.

Falih Hassan Kazem Al-Amouri, The Impact of Climate on the Productivity of Vegetable Crops in Diyala Governorate, previous source, p. 105.

Youssef Muhammad Ali Hatem Al-Hathal and Khaled Ahmed Hussein Indicators of the change in the water rating of the pomegranate crop and the climatic water balance in the district of Muqdadiya, Journal of Diyala University, University of Diyala, Vol. (2), No. (26), 2016, p. 560.

Shaban Al-Sulaiman and others, the effect of water deficit on peanut productivity using the drip irrigation method, Syrian Journal of Agricultural Research, Syria, Vol. 2, 2019, p.431.

The crop whose cultivation begins between (2-29) days in the first month of the beginning of its growth period, and it is calculated as follows:

Number of days of the month - the beginning period (the mentioned period of the month) + 1 (the day of seeding) = the period of the beginning of the growing season

Then the result is multiplied by the crop coefficient (KC) x latent evapotranspiration (ETO) for that month, but in the case of calculating the values of water consumption in the month that is the end of the growth period, if the expiring period is not between (30-31) days, it is calculated in the following way: The number of days mentioned = the duration of the end of the growing season

Ministry of Water Resources, Center for Engineering Studies and Designs.

Ghazi Majeed Al-Kawaz, Water Rate and Calculation, Journal of Water Needs for Tree Crops, Arab Mixed Environmental Region, Scientific Research Center, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, 1998, p. 45.

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Yusuf Muhammad Ali Al-Hathal and Khaled Ahmed Hussein, previous source, pg. 563.

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Localized Irrigation Guide based on Climatic Data, Agricultural Technology, Moroccan Agricultural Credit Corporation for Sustainable Development, 2012. www.fellah-trade.Com , p.10.






علم الجغرافيا

كيفية الاقتباس

تأثير العناصر والظواهر المناخية في الاستهلاك المائي والمقنن المائي لمحصول الخيار في قضاء الطارمية. (2021). مجلة الآداب, 3(139), 201-220. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v3i139.2290

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